FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 8, 2021 Contact: Kate Frauenfelder,
NC GOP’s Latest Anti-Trans Bill Continues “Loathsome War” On Transgender Youth
Editorials Scathe NCGA Republicans: “Anyone who wants to stuff children in rigid boxes in the name of gender conformity has no business making education policy.”
Taking a play out of Arkansas Republicans’ book, North Carolina Republicans in the General Assembly introduced two new bills that targets transgender and gender-nonconforming youth. Senate Bill 514, “Youth Health Protections Act,” would prevent doctors from performing gender confirmation surgery for transgender people younger than 21 and would require any government employee who is aware of a child displaying “gender nonconformity” to “immediately notify” their parents or guardians. Senate Bill 515, “Healthcare Heroes Conscience Protection Act,” would essentially grant medical providers a “license to discriminate” and refuse treatment – even life saving treatment – against LGBTQ+ people if they object to anything on the basis of conscience.
NCDP Chair Bobbie Richardson, NCDP Transgender Political Caucus President Angela Bridgman, and LGBTQ+ Democrats of NC Auxiliary President Ginger Walker released a joint statement on NCGA Republicans’ ongoing attacks.
“These bills are yet another bigoted, cruel, and heartless attack by North Carolina Republicans aimed to stigmatize transgender and gender-nonconforming youth. Let us be clear: ability to access health care should not be restricted by a person’s gender identity. These hateful, targeted attacks by Republicans seeking to invade conversations between individuals and their doctors is inappropriate, and allowing doctors to openly discriminate against LGBTQ+ people ‘on the basis of conscience’ is flat out dangerous. North Carolina Democrats will continue to fight for a state where the LGBTQ+ community can thrive and live free of discrimination — not one that legislates hate.”
National editorials have slammed the bill calling it a “loathsome war” against transgender youth, where Republicans are “going back to their bottomless well of cruelty.” A Washington Post editorial writes: “Anyone who wants to stuff children in rigid boxes in the name of gender conformity has no business making education policy.”
The bill joins the wave of attacks from Republicans on the transgender community. Republicans in the North Carolina General Assembly have also introduced legislation that would prevent transgender youth from participating in sports. Experts say it “gets the science wrong.”
Read more:
Associated Press: N.C. bill would ban treatment for trans people under 21
Washington Post: Opinion: North Carolina’s bill regulating gender would be terrible for kids — not just trans ones
Washington Post: Opinion: The Republican Party’s loathsome new war on trans kids
NC Policy Watch: Experts: Bills targeting trans people get the science wrong